TRUE LOVE (from FROZEN the Broadway Musical) | Sleepless Night Cover BY SEA

Welcome to my SLEEPLESS NIGHT COVER series

Song: TRUE LOVE (from FROZEN the Broadway Musical)

Performed by Sea Thaicharoen

Piano Track from The Accompanist

♥ Why ‘TRUE LOVE’? ♥
This song hit a personal core of my heart when I first heard it, and the feeling amplified when I saw Frozen on Broadway. Everyone faces disappointments some point in life. But some disappointments are more heart-breaking than others, especially if it’s from something or someone that you have a strong unconditional love for and you poured your heart and soul into it. Your whole world becomes shut and pitch black at a snap of the fingers. You feel betrayed, alone and all the wishful thoughts and ‘what ifs’ that follow make you want to give up. However, if that ‘something’ is truly your passion or ‘TRUE LOVE’, there will always be hope in your heart and you will always find the strength to get back up, no matter how hard it is and how many times it takes to reach your goal, because giving up is not an option.

For some reason my favourite time to sing is very late at night when my surroundings are still and silent, be it before I go to bed, in the shower, while get the gist. I’ve always found recording myself singing extremely nerve-racking but in order for me to improve and get over my nerves singing in front of people, I decided to start posting some of my casual singing sessions. Hence, the beginning of my SLEEPLESS NIGHT COVER series, which I aim to upload at least once a week. Enjoy!

♥ Stay Connected ♥
Instagram: @itsmesea
Facebook: Seazaa Adventure

