Reacting to Mulan and Maleficient 2 Official Trailers!

Hey guys!! So I wanted to react to the Mulan trailer, but I saw Maleficent 2 was released so I decided to just do a double reaction to save myself some time! I do think that they are slightly over doing the live action movies, but at the same time I think they’re trying to keep people entertained while making more animated movies. But also, most of their live actions do well regardless so maybe they’re taking full advantage of that. I think there are so many other movies that deserve to be live action and that would be better, but both movies look really good! I wish Mulan was a bit more like the animated version, but maybe they’re trying to make it more realistic and they decide to include Mushu! Maleficent is the same for me and I do plan on seeing both although I’m not as excited for them as I am for Lion King! I like the animal based Disney movies more than the princess ones I think which is why I feel this way, but there are only so many more princess live action movies they can make before people lose interest! Maybe I’ll make a whole video of my ideas, but please don’t forget to like and subscribe and comment your thoughts!

Mulan Trailer-

Maleficent 2 Trailer-

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